Our Small Place in the Cretan Sun

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Scorpion in my trousers

Scorpion in my trousers

Just when you think that you are safe, the other morning I went to put on my jeans only to find that as I put my leg in, a scorpion shot out of the bottom of the jeans…. much to the later amusement of others. Apparently, you have to have medical treatment if a scorpion stings you.

The village was in uproar last week as there has been a robbery in the village! An elderly neighbour had some money stolen by a sneak thief. Her house was partially ransacked, but the only other thing taken was a bunch of bananas. Now there’s an interesting clue for the police…

Talking of crimes and misdemeanours, it is reckoned that 80% of men on Crete possess guns, which probably means that I’m the only one in the village who doesn’t. I suppose that this is not surprising as young men are conscripted into the army at the age of 18, and consequently, are used to handling firearms, whereas, my experience goes back to firing a .22 rifle at funfairs when I was a youth. This week the Greek news is full of police going mob handed to the village of Zoniana (50 kilometres from here), which is in the “golden triangle” where the primary agricultural crop is cannabis. Several police got shot, and now there is a public outcry. Apparently they don’t mind tourists there, but I may give it a wide birth – I would not like to scrape the paintwork of someone’s new car there!



  • Hehe. Yes my mum had the same problem when we lived in Libya. She innocently picked upo the newspaper whilst relaxing on the sofa and a scorpion fell out and onto her lap! Now THAT was a commotion!
    We also had 2 taranchelas trying to get into the house one night. Luckily dad spotted them and beat them to death with his shoe. Poor wee things.
    Glad you're OK. Hi from everyone here - and Roberta (the plant) says hi :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:49 am  

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