Our Small Place in the Cretan Sun

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Rufus and other animals

Rufus and other animals

I suppose that town living does not prepare you for waking up in the morning to find farm animals outside the kitchen window in the field next door. But that’s what happens in our life in Crete.

This week, Rufus has found himself with three sheep and five young lambs as neighbours. His lifelong fear of large dogs has transposed itself to sheep, unfortunately, one sheep with the bell around its neck has attitude and was quite happy go literally head-to-head with Rufus (maybe because he just looks like a black lamb??). So when Rufus sticks his nose through the wire fence, the sheep simply butts him on the nose for good measure. Last night, these mothers and lambs were replaced in the small field by a whole flock of sheep much to Rufus’s dismay, but they had moved on by the morning. Now, we have Muffin the mule taking their place, but at least he eats the carabs which have fallen from the tree.

What next, I wonder?


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